on site, me, and whatever.

Made by: Donna

Hosted by: Tripod and Angelfire! Those two have the pop-up banners!
Envy.nu, stas.net, and geocities.com

Made in: Frontpage 2000, I do know html believe me, but this program is so handy and I can whip up webpages quickly!

Graphics Made in: Image Composer

Use to be called N Sync World but then I noticed there was to many of that! Then this site was born. But before that it was a site with nsync and bsb pics. I can't remember exactly when I started making the nsync sites, I think in August of '98. Before nsync sites, I made personal sites, and I started that in 1996 with learning html!

I have three certificates, one in JavaScript, Creating Web Pages, and Advanced Web Pages. I have to frame them, they were hard work! lol! I took them just recently. Now I can't tell you they made me a better designer but they got me comfortable with html and javascript. And they cleared up some confusion I had about them! All added up I have 7.2 C. E. U.s. The next class I'm taking is Creating Web Graphics, because I really suck at that! lol!

I have helpers with this website! They basically give me ideas, tell me some problems, and love to make fan fic, hehe! There is various people and the quick nav has some of them in it! I will tell you them if you don't know already, ok. First Casey, she tells me straight up what is wrong with the site and what looks bad {pop-ups hehe :)} she also sends in graphics to be put in the free graphics section and always always sends in hot pics of nsync! Then there is Arinne she loves to think up fan fic! I tell you, she calls me and voices her latest thoughts on Lance and how she wants to meet him, and stuff like that. Just a couple of minutes ago she called and said that her and friend made an nsync video to send to Carson! I am going to make a totally different section just for that! lol! And then there is Sara! Hey Girl! I have never met her person to person but if you go to the fan fic, she wrote all those humorous stories! I enjoy reading them, b/c they are so wack! And the other helpers I have are my mom, sister, and Wayne {step-dad}, let me tell you, they tell me what they like and don't like no strings attached! I force them to come to all my sites and clubs! But they give me practical explanations for the problems on my site! Now to all the people that have signed the guestbook and the message board or wrote me an email, or even sent me in nsync news, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! You guys are great helpers! And to all my official helpers {hehe that's your new name} I want to so so so thank you.